Tag Archives: Planned Parenthood

Swine, Double Speak, and Bringing Home the Bacon

“It has been the political career of this man to begin with hypocrisy, proceed with arrogance, and finish with contempt.” Thomas Paine

[i]smart_pig Recently I read an article about a bacon crisis looming in California. [ii] Sad is the plight of the owner of a small breakfast diner who survived the pandemic restaurant crisis but may be put out of business because her staple, bacon, eggs, and home fries, might soon be missing a key ingredient. A California law written in 2018 is coming into effect with regulations about the space and care required on pig farms for every resident pig to permit them to ship pork products into California. California consumes about fifteen percent of all pork products in America. A tiny portion of pig farms in Iowa, from which most of California bacon, ham, pork loins and related products come, can afford to comply. Hence, it will be eggs, home fries and yummy vegan bacon substitute soon in the diner, and the owner fears the line for Sunday brunch will be considerably shorter.

 The impetus for the new laws was a series of videos shot surreptitiously by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and others that graphically demonstrated that not unsurprisingly pigs are not treated very well on many pig farms or in slaughterhouses. [iii] Now before we change the subject of this post, let’s not get into a discussion of the horrors of pig abuse. We will stipulate that these are truly awful and need to be redressed by a humane society. The subject of the post is that undercover videos were taken. The owners and workers at the large farms who were filmed most certainly were not aware they were starring in the videos. Vice President Kamala Harris and now Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Xavier Becerra, both former Attorneys General for California, were in the forefront of legislation to protect chickens, pigs, and veal cattle from abuses.[iv] When the exposed malefactors are favored targets of the politicians, there is no squeamishness about the source of the information.

Another recent story revealed the video recordings made by an undercover journalist professing to interview Keith McCoy, a long-time lobbyist for Exxon Mobil Oil, for a job opening. [v]In it, the candidate spoke candidly about the duplicity of the big energy company paying “tribute to the virtue”[vi] of renewable energy and lowering carbon emissions to placate the climate change activists.  Another California Democrat, Rep. Ro Khanna, Chair of the Environments Subcommittee of the House Committee of Oversight and Reform,[vii] and various news outlets have no objection to undercover investigative videos when they unmask favored targets.[viii] Again, I’m not defending the possible hypocrisy of a huge international energy corporation , only demonstrating that undercover videos exposing it are perfectly acceptable with the Democrats who attack such a juicy quarry.

“Hypocrisy is not a way of getting back to the moral high ground. Pretending you’re moral, saying you’re moral is not the same as acting morally.” Alan Dershowitz

Current HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and VP Kamala Harris, when they were successive Attorneys General in California, investigated and prosecuted the Center for Medical Progress and their investigator, David Daleiden, for producing undercover videos which disclosed some appalling illegal activity of abortion clinics, primarily Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is not a favored Democrat target, rather they are a favored partner.

Harris and her staff colluded directly with Planned Parenthood to push legislation that was originally drafted by a Planned Parenthood lawyer, then used to prosecute Daleiden for his undercover videos. She has been a major recipient of Planned Parenthood political donations for many years, as were many other Democrats. In the 2020 election cycle alone, PP donated $10,401,306 to political campaigns through their multiple PACS, all but $23,000 (or about 99.8%) of it went to the home team Democrats. [ix]

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was inaugurated as president. On January 28th, he announced he was issuing an executive order that the Trump ban on Planned Parenthood federal funding was ending. PP receives in a good year over $500 million in Federal dollars, much of it from Medicaid, Federal money disbursed by the states. Since 78% of their “clinics” are in or near poor minority neighborhoods, Medicaid is a major source of PP’s annual $1.3 billion in revenue.[x] Planned Parenthood benefits with a strong immediate return on investment for their ten million in PAC money to Democrats and Joe Biden.

The president of the non-profit Planned Parenthood is paid about a million dollars a year; the average salary of executives, including “clinic” directors is north of two hundred thousand; the average salary of the executives back at the mothership headquarters is over three hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year.[xi] There is a lot at stake for these executives. Biden also is working very hard with his allies to eliminate the Hyde amendment from spending bills, specifically currently the funding for HHS, led by Becerra. The Hyde amendment was supported for years by Joe Biden. No more. It stipulates Federal funds cannot pay directly for abortions. Eliminating it would open new floodgates for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

The rules for Becerra and Harris change according to the subject of the undercover videos. If it’s a meat producer or a multinational energy company, all’s fair. If it’s the partner of Democrat politicians, the gloves are off going after investigative journalists. Harris responded to Planned Parenthood’s concern about videotaping their clinic operators by working with PP to write legislation making such undercover videos a felony. As Attorney General, she found a friendly judge and with a subpoena directed a pre-dawn raid on David Daleiden’s home, confiscating computers, cameras, and videos. After she collected over $81,000 in campaign contributions from PP and moved on up to the Senate, her hand-picked successor, Xavier Becerra indicted Daleiden on fifteen felony counts; some were dropped, and nine are still being adjudicated.

All the legal actions against Daleiden by PP’s big cadre of lawyers are being defended against at great cost pro bono by the Thomas More Society[xii]. Another pet judge was found in San Francisco, and PP sued Center for Medical Progress and Daleiden personally. Obtaining a judgment in front of their judge in San Francisco, Planned Parenthood was awarded $2.2 million, which would bankrupt their victims. Planned Parenthood’s goal is to silence him permanently. They have injunctions against the release of more videos, which are as damaging as the early ones that made it into the public domain. Sue him back into the stone age, a scorched earth legal strategy that has him in danger of bankruptcy and/or prison. Thomas More Society and Daleiden are appealing all verdicts and fighting the judgement, which likely will persist for years in the courts and cost millions to defend. Planned Parenthood has plenty of money and lawyers ready to go.

What is it about David Daleiden that so terrifies PP and its Democrat allies? I invite you to look at the videos that were made public prior to the injunctions. Center for Medical Progress investigative videos. The first response from Planned Parenthood was to try and get the undercover videos outlawed in California, which they did. Then they unleashed their formidable public relations propaganda team to spread the rumors that the videos were fake and heavily edited. Daleiden responded by posting the full original, unedited versions including hours of edited out footage of riding in cars and eating in restaurants.

The evidence they disclose is damning. The investigative journalist Daleiden posed as a middleman broker buying fetal body parts to sell to research labs. Selling fetal body parts is illegal, so the stakes for the PP executives include felony convictions and prison. The videos show PP directors negotiating prices, describing how they can alter their abortion procedures with actual live cutting up fetuses to salvage specific baby parts. One said point blank that she wanted the additional money to fulfill her dream of owning a Lamborghini. Other videos show other PP employees promising that fifty livers should not be a problem if the price is right. As I suggested with the slaughterhouse videos, do not watch these on a full stomach. Documentation is well preserved, names are named, and faces are explicit. The cold and casual calculation of descriptions of procedures and price negotiation is chilling.

If put into general release, and they are not silenced, it would be impossible for Planned Parenthood to maintain the fiction that they are in this for the benefit of woman’s health care and “reproductive rights.” They kill and kill without remorse in a very organized fashion for big money, and there is not much they won’t do to keep that quiet.

“For some, trying to uphold such a distorted, upside-down morality is too much to bear. Frederica Mathewes-Green was a young pro-choice feminist. But after reading a physician’s account in Esquire of an abortion, her eyes were opened. “There I was, anti-war, anti–capital punishment, even vegetarian, and a firm believer that social justice cannot be won at the cost of violence,” Mathewes-Green recounted. “Well, this sure looked like violence. How had I agreed to make this hideous act the centerpiece of my feminism?”  Scott David Allen

[i] Smart pig picture is taken from an article in Modern Farmer, 2014, by Andy Wright. “Pig headed: How Smart are Swine”

[ii] Bacon May Disappear in California as Pig Rules Take Effect, Associated Press, Scott McFetridge, July 31, 2021

[iii] A short Google search will turn up many such videos investigating farms and slaughterhouses in Iowa, Nebraska, Kentucky, and other places. Here’s one from PETA. Don’t watch on a full stomach or before you head to the diner for breakfast: https://www.peta.org/videos/nebraska-pig-farm-investigation/

[iv] We are not vegan in our house, but we do buy cage free eggs, eat no veal, and buy meat from humanely raised pigs and grass-fed free-range beef. I’m not defending the people who treat animals inhumanely, only pointing out that the evidence that brought them down was collected by breaking California laws about spy videos from investigators and journalists.

[v][v] CNN exposes the Exxon Mobil videos shot by Greenpeace.

[vi] “Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.” Francois de La Rochefoucauld

[vii] Why does the name “House Committee on Oversight and Reform” sound suspiciously like an Orwellian Congressional Star Chamber?

[viii] Article on the hearing and the lobbyist.

[ix] Open Secrets, which tracks all political donations, shows this for Planned Parenthood. Over $2.9 million went to the Biden campaign or positive ads, and over $2 million went into attack ads against Donald Trump.

[x] For some information on the original eugenics’ agenda of PP, there are many resources. A start would be an old quo vadis blog post, Maggie Two.

[xi] Article with some examples: — CEO salaries at affiliates increased 22 percent in the last two years. All make over $100K.  According to former Texas clinic director and former PP national employee of the  year, Abby Johnson, they are bonused on meeting abortion quotas among other criteria. 33 make over $200,000 a year. 16 make over $300,000 a year. 6 make over $400,00 a year, and the boss makes over a million. The report said that the average Planned Parenthood CEO is “in the top five percent of all workers in the United States.” Non-profit is a fungible term.

[xii] Here is a link to the Daleiden and Center for Medical Progress cases. Thomas More Society is a non-profit group of skilled attorneys working on behalf of pro life and religious freedom cases. https://thomasmoresociety.org/client/david-daleiden/ Interestingly in case of strange bedfellows, PETA filed an amicus brief supporting Daleiden’s cause.


Filed under Background Perspective, Politics and government


“It is innocence that is born and experience that dies.

It is innocence that knows and experience that

does not know.

It is the child who is full and the man who is empty.”

From “Innocence and Experience” in “God Speaks,” Charles Péguy


“That’s not fair!” screams the fuming child. And sometimes they’re right. An outraged young child is quick to spot hypocrisy and irony, and it is the adult who points out in our maturity how sometimes it is necessary to tolerate a bit of it, to comprehend the subtlety, to live with the accepted cruelty and how life isn’t always fair. And sometimes we’re right. And sometimes we’re rationalizing the irrational.

Several stories and threads have prompted a “that’s not fair!” reaction from me, and perhaps the adult in me must learn to adjust my expectations of justice and accommodate the irony of that adjustment. Comes with maturity and experience, I’m sure.

Cecile Richards, the million-dollar compensated president of Planned Parenthood, complained, “I’m infuriated. “I’m heartbroken,” when describing her reaction to President Trump’s decision to put immigration reform back where it should be with Congress by reversing the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) executive actions of President Obama. Let me state up front, I have great sympathy for the plight of immigrants and Dreamers, and profoundly hope for a just and compassionate permanent resolution and have written to my representatives and senators in support of a solution. But to get back to Ms. Richards, she continued, “Here at Planned Parenthood, we firmly believe that every person has the right to live….” Huh? Her organization profits greatly by taking the lives of over 320,000 pre-born humans each year, presumably with their own “right to live.” Irony doesn’t seem to quite cover it.

In a somewhat related irony, the New York Times, among others, made it a campaign to excoriate and ruin David Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress. If you can remember and stomach the videos, the CMP published on line a series of exposé videos of Planned Parenthood showing PP executives bargaining for better prices to sell baby parts and laughing over cocktails about some of the amusing incidents that occur when they diligently apply their skills to crush skulls to save hearts, livers and lungs or crush hearts, livers and lungs to save intact skulls and brains to maximize the profits. At the same time, the NYT’s ran a whole series based on undercover videos about the gratuitous cruelty of Big Farming slaughterhouse practices. Perhaps the quote of Ingrid Newkirk (founder of PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), “A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy,” should at least infer that the boy might have the same rights as the rat, dog and pig, but I suppose that asks too much. Great article on this by Mary Eberstadt of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, “Why Animal Lovers Should Abhor Planned Parenthood.”

 “Truth is too simple for us: we do not like those who unmask our illusions.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Occasionally public figures inexplicably give us an unexpected glimpse into their inmost thoughts. Such was the case in 2009 when in an interview with Emily Bazelon of the New York Times Magazine, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said this about the archetype judicial activism decision, Roe v Wade, in 1973, “Frankly I thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” Ah, so it is revealed. Margaret Sanger, the founder of the country’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, made no secret of her eugenics agenda and her disdain for the poor, the immigrant, the minority who so heedlessly breed children. [i] Apparently, Ms. Sanger’s intellectual offspring have retained her biases and her program.

“Not so!” you protest. “Current practitioners of the craft of baby dismembering are not eugenicist and racist!” Just so. Since over 78% of Planned Parenthood clinics are within walking distances of minority neighborhoods, and over thirty percent of abortions are perpetrated on the eleven percent of the population that is black, one must reflect if Sanger’s successors are just more adept in hiding the motivation behind their campaign.

The intensity and animosity between the ideologically estranged seems to deepen by the week.  “Repugnant Cultural Others” are group defined, self-defined. We use them as a mechanism in our human predisposition for what Cass Susstein named “global polarization” in 1998, that tendency to become increasingly radicalized in our opinions and proposed remedies as well as self-limiting our choices for conversation and reasoned discourse. Circumscribing our lives by drawing an inclusion/exclusion circle by meticulously defining our RCOs and taking great care to leave them out in the cold.

So those opposed to (or who favor) gun control (or abortion or for quelling global warming) talk only to each other, become more convinced of the righteousness of their position and move more radically towards the poles pushing for drastic action.[ii]   Since the kindling of the social media wildfire, this phenomenon has exponentially intensified. Only a few minutes reading posts about opinions with which the posting disagrees proves the point, using terms like “moron” or “hopeless idiot” or “evil” or expletive deleted. Tallying “Likes” has replaced moral debate.

Subsequent generations also seem to worsen incrementally. Sometimes the apple falls from the tree and rolls way down the hill. Such seemed the case with a previous Supreme Court Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., son of the esteemed poet and professor of the same name. Justice Ginsburg was not the first Supreme to promote a draconian solution for those troubling other human beings who were not worthy of breathing the same rarified air as the self-satisfied elites. Justice Holmes advocated publicly for “sterilizing idiots.” Since his father, I expect, never imagined a society in which he would live that would contemplate such things, there is one final irony for today, and not a comforting one.

“For the simplicity on this side of complexity, I wouldn’t give you a fig. But for the simplicity on the other side of complexity, for that I would give you anything I have.” Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

[i] See prior post, Maggie, Part Two

[ii] See “The Law of Global Polarization,” Cass Sunstein, University of Chicago Law School, John M Olin Law and Economics Working Paper No. 91 12/7/1999 Available free on line: http://www.law.uchicago.edu/Publications/Working/Index.html


Filed under Culture views

Planned Desolation

“Now there’s a wall between us, somthin’ there’s been lost. I took too much for granted, got my signals crossed.” Shelter from the Storm from the Blood on the Tracks album, Bob Dylan

Josef Mengele, the banality of evil

Josef Mengele, the banality of evil

Documentation for the various studies was meticulous; the results held great potential to help people at risk. How long can a person survive hypothermia in a cold, cold sea? Can we develop new treatments for infection to aid the wounded by testing the new drugs on human subjects? What is the most cost effective method of high volume sterilization to reduce the propagation of lesser races? The good doctors’ tests were conducted in secure facilities with good logistics for rail service. At least for a while until Allied bombing destroyed the trains.

Especially desirable for the testing were young twins: compare the effects of deadly disease when the uninfected control in the experiment possesses the exact same DNA as the tested subject. Once the infected twin died, the doctors would kill them both because the comparative autopsies advanced the research.

“Because they ripped open expectant mothers in Gilead, while extending their territory, I will kindle a fire upon the wall of Rabbah, and it will devour her castles.” Amos 1: 13-14

The benefits of medical research were given this month as justification for collecting human specimens with bonuses paid for highly desirable organs.

The Center for Medical Progress secretly videotaped officials from Planned Parenthood over the last three years, and if you have not viewed them and have a strong stomach, they expose in gruesome detail the practices of America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood[i]. These are not sociopathic outliers like Kenneth Gosnell, but directors of large districts like the Southern Pacific Region and Texas, as well as Senior Director of Medical Services, Deborah Nucatola, MD.

The undercover team, posing as parts buyers for medical research parts procurers, negotiated for specific fetal organs with bonuses for certain DNA or blood types. Parts included pancreases, lungs, livers, hearts, and eyeballs. Late term abortions were especially desirable. A la carte price schedule. To skirt the law, wholesale firms are on site which take possession of the organs and pay a fee for each. They in turn profit by selling them to research firms. The fees vary according to the rarity of the baby parts, blood and tissue types.

Abortion procedures are sometimes altered and discussed with the middleman, especially for larger fetuses. These procedures add risk of injury to the mothers, but are necessary to harvest intact cadavers. They are actually called cadavers by a Planned Parenthood negotiator; interesting term cadaver – not fetal tissue or protoplasm or medical waste, but a term normally reserved for a dead human being, which, of course, they are. Mothers who are pain tolerant and can endure wider dilation are valued for their ability to birth live, intact babies to provide the most lucrative organs. In many cases, mothers are not informed as to the disposition of their baby’s corpses even though Planned Parenthood tells the public they are.

Late term abortions in some states are illegal. Selling body parts and so called partial birth abortions are illegal in all jurisdictions, but produce the healthiest, most complete harvestable parts. Working around these restrictions is carefully done, but with these damning videos, not carefully enough. Some states have initiated investigations and shut down funding for Planned Parenthood, but not all. The U.S. Senate blocked an attempt to pull federal funding entirely, but this battle is far from over.

When we wrote our local officials asking for an investigation, some stonewalled and others answered back, parroting Planned Parenthood talking points: they make no profit by these practices; fetal research benefits medical science; if funding was pulled, access to women’s health care would be damaged beyond repair; the videos were edited. Policy setters (including President Obama) refuse to watch them; truth, apparently cuts too close to the bone. PP spends millions over the years on lobbying and political donations. Please watch these videos and make your own judgment as to whether statements by senior Planned Parenthood officials could be in any way mitigated by context, and the full videos are made available start to finish. Six of twelve have been released by the Center for Medical Progress. Link to videos.

“Is it not your duty to know what is right, you who hate what is good, and love evil? You who tear their skin from them, and their flesh from the bones!.. They chop them in pieces like flesh in a kettle, and like meat in a cauldron.” Micah 3: 1-3

Cecile Richards at Democrat National Convention 2012

Cecile Richards at Democrat National Convention 2012

Numbers can be revealing, here are a few to gain a sense of the real facts behind the health care scare scam proffered by the Planned Parenthood apologists.

  • Planned Parenthood claims that abortion constitutes only 3% of their services (327,000 out of ten million), but it is necessary to look under the hood. Their method of counting services is weighted. If they see a patient for a PAP smear, a pregnancy check and write a prescription of twelve months of birth control pills, it is counted as 14 services (one each for every month of the prescription). If the count is kept only for pregnant women who come in, 93% of them walk out without their baby still on board. A minor percentage gets other help or adoption services, if they push for it. Abortions are a third of their revenue, and another third comes from public funding. The abortions provide another source of revenue: baby parts for sale.
  • The sale of fetal body parts is not a new practice for Planned Parenthood. The ABC news magazine 20/20 exposed the practice over fifteen years ago, when Chris Wallace ran the story. However, like the current videos, the major news organizations, with the exception of Fox, are spending very little time on this story. It is suppressed by the parent organizations which have alliances with and ideological sympathy for Planned Parenthood and abortion.[ii]
  • While its defenders try to convince us that no public funds pay for abortions directly, taxpayer funds pay the bills, help keep the lights on and help pay the inflated salaries of the administrators, many of whom are non-medical people. One hundred and thirty seven of them make over a hundred thousand dollars a year. Its CEO, the now beleaguered Cecile Richards, made $523,616 in 2013. She looks good in sound bites though; non-profit work for PP pays well.
  • The claims that women’s health care would be negatively affected if public funds are withdrawn from PP are grossly misleading. There are approximately 700 Planned Parenthood clinics (abortion assembly lines) in the U.S, while 9,000 community health care centers provide women’s health care. Planned Parenthood serves 2.7 million patients a year; community health care centers over 21 million.
  • Planned Parenthood warns that breasts would be at risk without their clinics. However, they do only referrals for mammograms and zero actual mammograms a year. Community health care centers do 424,000. Planned Parenthood performs 378,000 PAP smear tests; community health centers 1,758,000. Women’s health care services would be far better served with increased taxpayer funding for community health care centers.

St. Thomas Aquinas wrote in his Summa Theologica, “Properly speaking conscience is not a power, but an act.” When evil is perceived, we are required to respond. We can do that politically. We can show up at our local PP clinic on August 22nd at 9 AM. At the least be prepared by being informed about the facts when the discussion comes up.

One of the videos shows the grotesque picking over of baby parts in a tray looking for prized tissues. The pictures are your worst nightmare of tiny hearts, crushed heads and little hands. The searchers were excited because the tray holds dismembered twins, which like the German World War II researchers in the death camps, were found to be of particular value.

“The most deadly poison of our time is indifference.” St. Maximillian Kolbe [iii]


[i] See previous post about the genesis of Planned Parenthood. Maggie Part 2.

[ii] See Crisis Magazine article on this. “Why News Organizations Protect Planned Parenthood.”

[iii][iii] Father Kolbe died in Auschwitz after volunteering to take the place of another prisoner, who was a Jewish father with a family.


Filed under Culture views

Maggie (Part 2)

What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is missing cannot be supplied.  Ecclesiastes 1:15

The prior post on Margaret Sanger explored briefly some of the events and people that helped form her world view and fuel her frenetic efforts to fill the hole in her soul.  Three themes emerged as she came to maturity, and they informed and drove her behavior, writings and passions: unquenchable desires for sexual experience of all kinds and obsession to sever natural human fertility from sexual activity were two. The third was eugenics – promoting the concept that elite illuminati should determine who lives and who doesn’t, who breeds and who doesn’t.

Under threat of arrest in New York for flaunting the law while catechizing a gospel of crude birth control, she fled for a while to Great Britain.  This sojourn congealed her radicalism.  Freed from “the smothering restrictions of marital fidelity,” her unleashed promiscuity took to her bed some of the luminaries of the socialist intelligentsia there, including (among quite a few others) George Bernard Shaw, Havelock Ellis and H.G. Wells.  She advocated ever more stridently that we must strive to disassociate human sexuality from the natural benefits of human bonding, intimacy and parenthood.

Her connections with Ellis and Shaw deepened her commitment to the eugenics movement, and their money funded her American Birth Control League and its propaganda instrument, the Birth Control Review.  One of the articles in the 1920 editions was a favorable review of Lothrop Stoddard’s Fascist book, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy.  Three years later a Review editorial advocated restricting immigration based on race.  In 1932 Margaret penned for the Review her “Plan for Peace,” which endorsed coerced sterilizations, mandatory segregation and “rehabilitative” concentration camps for all “dysgenic stocks,” including the handicapped, ethnic minorities and the mentally “defective.”  She routinely inveighed against the “inferior races” that were “human weeds,” a “menace to civilization”; she insisted the “sinister forces of the hordes of irresponsibility and imbecility” be controlled.

birth control revew banner (2)In 1933 the Review published “Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need” by Margaret’s close friend, Ernst Rudin.  Rudin was at the time Adolf Hitler’s director of genetic sterilization, having been one of the founders of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene.  Later in 1933, she ran a piece by Leon Whitney, “Selective Sterilization,” which lauded the Nazi pre-holocaust race purification programs.  Margaret’s birth control advocacy was inextricable from her desire to maintain the purity of the human race with her and those most like her as the select survivors.  Like her fellow true believers in the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazis and the Eugenics Society, for Margaret, pulling the weeds in the human garden took the highest priority.

In 1939, Margaret devised the “Negro Project” at the request of “southern state public health officials” in which she stated that the “mass of Negroes ….particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit.”  Her plan foreshadowed the goings-on of her current organization.  She suggested that they start with three or four “colored ministers preferably with social service backgrounds, and engaging personalities” to propagandize for birth control.  Her longer quote is enlightening.  “The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.  We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”   Margaret was a militant atheist, but not above manipulating the unsuspecting through their faith.

Nazi atrocities put a knot in Margaret’s plans as the world first recoiled in horror and then destroyed the Third Reich.  The inconvenience of bad public relations for its support of the Nazi agenda made the American Birth Control League and Birth Control Journal untenable as an ongoing enterprise.

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.  Ecclesiastes 1:9

Margaret, undeterred, started up its successor, Planned Parenthood and the Planned Parenthood Review.  Planned Parenthood has expended great efforts to sanitize the beliefs of their founder, indeed portraying her as a modern day saint who pioneered freedom for women and a savior of their health.  True to course, however, their activities uphold her dreams.  The early offices of the international Planned Parenthood organization were in the offices of the Eugenics Society. Seventy percent of their “woman’s health clinics” are located in poor and minority neighborhoods.  While black Americans comprise 12.6% of the total population, 35.4% of abortions are inflicted on black babies.   For every 1,000 live births, there are 138 abortions in the white population; for black children the rate is 501 dead for every 1,000 born.   Planned Parenthood is self adulatory about their efforts on behalf of feminine health, but they do no mammograms – for those they refer their clients to others.  They say they do them, but they don’t.  What they don’t refer are the big profit items – over 300,000 abortions a year, which bring the “health organization” almost a third of its nearly billion dollar annual income.  The larger PP clinics have assigned abortion “quotas.”[1]

Abortion and racism are evil twins, born of the same lie.  Where racism now hides its face in public, abortion is accomplishing the goals of which racism only once dreamed.  Together, abortionists are destroying humanity at large and the black community in particular.  Alveda King

The Reverend Alveda King (daughter of civil rights leader, the Reverend A.D. King and niece of Martin Luther King) is an outspoken critic of Planned Parenthood.  Based in Atlanta, she speaks of a black genocide at many events throughout the country preaching in the familiar powerful cadences reminiscent of her family.  “Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error.  The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives.  Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness.”  She was seventeen when her beloved uncle was murdered by James Earl Ray, but she remembers him and their conversations well.  She told us at lunch one day in Providence when she came to speak that while her uncle was killed five years before Roe v Wade struck down all the state laws in the country restricting abortion, he would have been sickened at the targeting of black babies by a white elite.  “A majority, perhaps as many as 75%, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations.  Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor.  You don’t serve the poor, however, by taking their money to terminate their children.”

Can foul seed ever blossom into anything but poison fruit?  Margaret Sanger lived until 1966, just short of the “summer of love” in San Francisco in 1967 where her other dreams came to sad, drugged out reality.  The Birth Control League fades into the dim past.  Maggie was praised by presidents and emperors, movie stars and scientists.  Still is.  Her early life and the foundations of her beliefs and work are forgotten or papered over.  Her dream and her organization persist with massive government, taxpayer paid support.  Planned Parenthood’s lobbying and contributions to liberal candidates are among the most aggressive in the country.  Kurt Vonnegut in Slaughter House-Five was perfect:  “And so it goes.”

For in much wisdom there is much sorrow, and he who stores up knowledge stores up grief. Ecclesiastes 1:18


[1]unplanned”, Abby Johnson, former director of a PP clinic.


Filed under Background Perspective, Culture views